 I have been fascinated with glass for most of my life.  The way that a solid can be transformed into a liquid and back to a solid in a completely different form is a beautiful thing.  I am particularly interested in the use of colour and geometric shapes in glass and am currently focusing on kiln-cast glass that contain embedded images. 
I began my career as a glass artist in 1996 when I had an opportunity to study with Newy Fagan, an artist who was intricately involved in the resurgence of the art glass movement in the 1970's.  Over the years I continued to study and attended master-classes at The Studio at The Corning Museum of Glass in New York, including courses with Mark Ditzler, Martin Rosol, and Denise Stillwagon-Leone.

I have been teaching glass-making for over eight years and enjoy teaching as much as creating.  I am excited to have the opportunity to continue to share my passion in Ireland.